1. It creates extra storage
Possibly the most common reason that homeowners request a built-in platform is that they need more storage. Building a platform over drawers allows the same footprint to cover two functions: the sleep space and additional storage
2. It’s child-friendly
Children are prone to rolling off their beds, so many parents eschew a traditional bed frame for a mattress placed on the floor, or in this case, the platform.
3. It automatically delineates zones
Whether you’re separating the study from the sleep space, or some other function, a platform is a physical boundary signifying a change in function or use of the space. In this room, a study desk is incorporated in the platform’s design, and the step-and-a-half up to the beds signals the change of zones in the room.
4. Bedding won’t touch the floor
Neat freak! A platform keeps your sheets securely above foot so that they’re not in the way when you’re cleaning the floor.
$1500 ~ $3500